3.used for saying that one thing happens or exists at the same time as another
1.We re getting better at it all the time, but we also need to be very aware of its limitations.
2.The Awakened One does nothing: but leaves nothing undone; for all thing are happening all the time around and through the Awakened One.
3.I'm going to try and save you all the time and all the money and go through it in the next three minutes, so bear with me.
4.The next dish is the main course. At table , you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot, but do not laugh all the time.
5."You may be able to balance these demands out a bit. As a consultant, you can be on call to clients all the time. "
6.Mr Smith, who was very fat, was rushing to the bus stop on a hot noon when he found a little boy followed him from behind all the time.
7.I always feel that she's trying to psych me out all the time.
8.Plus, although they fought all the time, Caroline loves her mother and can't un-hear the fact that her ma essentially disowned her.
9."She said he wanted picking up and cuddles all the time, " said the friend.
10.Sheila was very tired all the time. She had no energy for anything. After one week passed, her mother took her to the doctor.